| Bible Text
| Sermon Notes (PDF); Audio (MP3); PPT (PPTX) |
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2015 | | |
4 October | 2 Corinthians 4:6 | Let There Be Light (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Tabernacle Handout (PDF) |
27 September | 2 Corinthians 4:3-5 | Jesus Is LORD (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
20 September | 2 Corinthians 4:1-2 | Preach the Word (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
13 September | Ephesians 5:22-33 | We Are His Body (PDF)(MP3)(PPTX) How the Church Has Compromised with Culture (PDF) Importance of Church Attendance (PDF) Guide to Self-Examination (PDF) |
6 September | 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 | A New and Better Covenant (Part 2) (PDF)(MP3)(PPTX) |
August 30 | 2 Corinthians 3:5-11 | A New and Better Covenant (Part 1) (PDF) (no audio) (PPTX) |
August 23 | 2 Corinthians 3:1-5 | Stone vs Heart (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Feasts of 2015 (PDF) |
August 16 | 2 Corinthians 2:12-17 | FRAGRANCES (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 9 | 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11 | FORGIVE! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 2 | 2 Corinthians 1:12-22 | Established, Anointed, Sealed (PDF) (no audio) (PPTX) |
26 July | 2 Corinthians 1:5-11 | God Allows Bad Things to Happen (Pt 2) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
19 July | 2 Corinthians 1:1-4 | God Allows Bad Things (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
12 July | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Saved by Grace Unto Works Lord's Supper (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 28 | 1 Corinthians 16:15-24 | Love, Obey or Be Cursed (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 21 | 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 | Watch, Stand Fast, Be Brave, Be Strong (PDF) (no audio) (PPTX) |
June 14 | 1 Corinthians 16:5-12 | Open Doors & Opposition (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 7 | 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 | The Joy of Giving and Receiving (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 31 | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 | Twinkling of An Eye (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 17 | 1 Corinthians 15:29-34 | Dying Daily (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 10 | 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 | RESTORED (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 3 | 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 | He Is Our Firstfruits (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 26 | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 | I Am What I Am By the Grace of God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 19 | 1 Corinthians 14:29-40 | The Gift of Tongues (Part 4) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 12 | 1 Corinthians 14:23-28 | The Gift of Tongues (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 5 | Romans 4:13-25 | He Rose; We Were Justified (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 15 | 1 Corinthians 14:13-22 | The Gift of Tongues (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 8 | 1 Corinthians 14:1-12 | Edification NOT Confusion (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 1 | 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 | What Is Love? (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 22 | 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 | What Is Love? (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 15 | 1 Corinthians 12:20-31 | We Need Each Other (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 8 | 1 Corinthians 12:20, 27 | What Is the Church? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 1 | 1 Corinthians 12:14-19 | Unity & Diversity (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 25 | 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 | Spiritual Gifts (Part 4) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 18 | 3 John | Workers of the Truth (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 11 | 2 John 7-13 | LOOK to Yourself (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: Pursuing Holiness Resolutions (PDF) |
January 4 | 2 John 1-6 | Walking in the Truth (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
2014 | | |
December 28 | 1 John 5:21 | Keep Yourselves from Idols (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) (Handout) |
December 21 | 1 John 5:18-20 | WE KNOW (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 14 | 1 John 5:16-17 | Love Through Discipline (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) (Handout) |
December 7 | 1 John 5:14-15 | Praying the Right Way (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 16 | 1 John 5:6-13 | Assurance of Salvation (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 9 | 1 John 5:4-5 | Overcoming the World (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 2 | 1 John 4:19-5:3 | Loving My Brother (Again) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 26 | 1 John 4:12-19 | Abiding in God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) 26 Theses (PDF) Resolutions (PDF) Seminars (PDF) |
October 19 | 1 John 4:7-11 | The Father's Great Love (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 12 | 1 John 4:1-6 | Test ALL Spirits (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 5 | 1 John 3:19-24 | Answered Prayer (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 28 | 1 John 3:13-18 | Loving My Brother (Again) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 21 | 1 John 3:4-12 | Children of GOD OR Children of the Devil (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 14 | 1 John 2:28-3:3 | EVERYONE! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 7 | 1 John 2:18-27 | Deny Christ; Deny GOD (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 31 | 1 John 2:15-17 | Culture Is Our Enemy (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 24 | 1 John 2:12-14 | A Letter to the Young and Old (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 17 | 1 John 2:7-11 | Love Your Brother (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 10 | 1 John 2:3-6 | Keeping His Commandments (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 3 | 1 John 2:1-2 | We Have An Advocate (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 27 | 1 John 1:8-10 | IF We Confess (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 20 | 1 John 1:6-7 | Walking in the Light (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 13 | 1 John 1:1-4 | The Word Of Life (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 29 | 2 Corinthians 13:1-10 | Examine Yourself (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) 26 Theses (PDF) Resolutions for the Pursuit of Holiness (PDF) |
June 22 | John 18:28-40 | What Is Truth? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 15 | 1 Timothy 4:7-9 | We Need to Exercise to Win (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 8 | 1 Thessalonians 4:7 | He Died So That We Might Be Holy (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 1 | Matthew 28:18-20 | Doing Church God's Way (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 25 | Galatians 1:1-12 | GOD Speaks (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 18 | Job 12:7-25 | Learning from God's Nature (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 11 | 1 Peter 1:10-16 | The Angels Are Watching (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 4 | 1 Corinthians 11:8-12 | First Adam; Then Eve (PDF) (PPTX) (MP3) |
April 27 | 1 Corinthians 10:31 | Give Glory (PDF) (PPTX) (MP3) |
April 20 | Colossians 3:1-4 | Where Is Your Mind? (PDF) (PPTX) (No Audio) |
April 13 | 1 Corinthians 11:3 | Understanding Headship (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 23 | 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 | What Shall We Do? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 16 | 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 | For the Glory of God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 9 | Titus 2:11-15 | He Died for Us to Work (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: Why We Celebrate the Way We Do (PDF) |
March 2 | 1 John 1 | IF We Confess (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: What Is Sin (PDF) Handout: Serve One Another (PDF) |
February 23 | 1 Corinthians 15:9-10 | We Live to Serve (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: Serve One Another (PDF) |
February 23 | 1 Corinthians 15:9-10 | We Live to Serve (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout (PDF) |
16 February | Matthew 20:20-28 | We Are Slaves (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
9 February | Luke 14:25-33 | Count the Cost (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
2 February | Romans 12:4-5 | We Are A Corporate Church (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
26 January | Titus 2 | We Are A Local Church (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
19 January | Ephesians 1:1-14 | We Are the Universal Church (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
12 January | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 | He Chose Us to Be Holy (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
5 January | Romans 12:1-2 | Reforming Our Lives (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
2013 | | |
29 December | John 4:23-24 | Reforming Our Worship (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 221 | John 6:37-40 | He Came to Save (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 15 | Ephesians 1:1-14 | Soli Deo Gloria (For God's Glory Alone) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 8 | Hebrews 10:36 to 11:13 | Sola Fide (Faith Alone) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 1 | Romans 11:33-36 | GOD Is GOD (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 24 | Ephesians 2:1-10 | SOLA GRATIA (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) 25 Theses (PDF) |
November 17 | Acts 4:12 | SOLUS CHRISTUS (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 10 | 2 Timothy 3 | SOLA SCRIPTURA (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) You will need "25 Theses" for this sermon. |
November 3 | Acts 17:22-31 | GOD Is IMMANENT (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: 25 Theses (PDF) |
October 27 | 1 John 2:3-17 | REFORMATION! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Hanout: First Ten Theses (PDF) |
October 20 | 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 | Spiritual Gifts (Part 4) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: First Five Theses (PDF) |
October 13 | Lamentations 3:22-26 | HE Is FAITHFUL (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 22 | 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 | Spiritual Gifts (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 15 | 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 | Spiritual Gifts (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Day of Atonement Sermons: A Priest and Two Goats (PDF) He Did It For Us (PDF) We Have A Great High Priest (PDF) |
September 8 | 1 Corinthians 11:20-34 | Celebrating the Lord's Supper (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 1 | Isaiah 33:22 | GOD Is Judge (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 25 | 1 Corinthians 11:17-19 | The Must Be Heresy! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 18 | Philippians 2:3-16 | UNLEAVENED! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 11 | 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 | God's Place for Women in His Kingdom (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 4 | Acts 9:1-16 | GOD Is GRACIOUS (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 28 | 1 Corinthians 11:1 | Imitate Me! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 21 | 1 Corinthians 10:14-34 | Glorify God! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 14 | 1 John 3:1-16 | GOD Is Love (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 30 | 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 | LEARN! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 23 | 1 Corinthians 9:15-27 | Discipline Your Body! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 16 | 1 Corinthians 9:1-14 | Feed Your Pastor (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 2 | 1 John 4:7-21 | He Is Love (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 26 | 1 Corinthians 8 | Limited Freedom (PDF) (PPTX) (NoAudio) |
May 19 | 1 Corinthians 7:39-40 (Hebrews 13:4) | What About Remarriage? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 12 | John 17:20-26 | Cup #4 - Glory! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 5 | 1 Peter 1:3-16 | HE Is Holy (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 28 | 1 Corinthians 7:25-38 | Single in the LORD (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 21 | 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 | Abiding in God's Calling (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 14 | 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 | Married for LIFE (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 7 | Psalm 139 | HE KNOWS! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 31 | 1 Corinthians 15:1-23 | Why Is the Resurrection Important? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 24 | 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 | RUN AWAY! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 10 | 1 Peter 1:13-21 | Cup #3: REDEEMED! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 3 | John 19:1-16 | What Does ALMIGHTY Mean? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 24 | 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 | Family Matters! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 17 | 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 | Deliver Him Over to Satan (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 10 | 1 Corinthians 4:14-21 | Imitate Me! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 3 | Isaiah 44:28-45:13 | "I Create Evil. I, the LORD, Do It!" (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 27 | 1 Corinthians 4:6-13 | Scum of the Earth (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 20 | 1 Corinthians 4:1-6 | Stewards of the Mysteries of God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 13 | Romans 3:21-26 | Cup #2 -- LOVED! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
January 6 | Psalm 47 | He Is TERRIBLE (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
2012 | | |
December 30 | 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 | Fix-It (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 23 | Luke 2:1-7 | The GOD of Christmas (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 16 | 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 | Building the Temple of God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 9 | Isaiah 13:1-19 | Cup#1: Elected, Called, Sanctified (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
December 2 | 1 Corinthians 3:4-9 | Servants in God's Garden (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 11 | 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 | Solid Food vs. Milk (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
November 4 | 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 | Mysteries Revealed (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 28 | 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 | Wisdom of Man vs Power of God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 21 | 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 | Where Is the Wise? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 14 | Matthew 24:45-51 | Doing Is A MUST (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
October 7 | 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 | What A Mess (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 30 | 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 | We Thank God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 23 | 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 | The Church of God (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 16 | Habakkuk 1:1-2:4 | Watch the Nations! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 9 | Numbers 36:1-13 | Rejoice! Rejoice! (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
September 2 | Numbers 35:9-34 | He Is Our Refuge (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 26 | Numbers 33:50-56 | Put to Death (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 19 | Numbers 31:25-54 | Give Unto the LORD (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 12 | Hebrews 8:10-12 | I Will Not Remember (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
August 5 | Numbers 31:19-24 | BE HOLY (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 29 | Numbers 31:1-18 | Vengeance Is Mine (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 22 | Numbers 30:1-6 | Vow Keeping (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 15 | Numbers 29:12-40 | GOD with US (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
July 8 | Ephesians 5:15-21 | Be Filled with the Holy Spirit (PDF) |
July 1 | Numbers 29:7-14 | A Very Solemn Day (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 24 | Numbers 29:1-6 | Feast of Trumpets (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 17 | Hebrews 8:10-12 | I Will Be Merciful (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 10 | Numbers 28:26-31 | Feast of Firstfruits & Pentecost (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
June 3 | Numbers 28:17-25 | Feast of Unleavened Bread (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 27 | Numbers 28:16 | Passover (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
May 20 | Numbers 28:1-15 | Daily, Weekly, Monthly (PDF)(MP3)(PPTX) |
May 13 | Numbers 27:12-23 | God's Perseverance (PDF)(MP3)(PPTX) |
May 6 | Hebrews 8:10-12 | They Will Know Me (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 29 | Numbers 26 | Heirs of GOD (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 22 | Revelation 2:14 | Doctrine of Balaam (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 15 | Jude 1-11 | Error of Balaam (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
April 8 | Philippians 3:7-14 | Have You Counted? (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) Handout: 2012 Feasts of the LORD (PDF) |
April 1 | 2 Peter 2:15-16 | Beware of GREED (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 25 | John 4:3-23 | True Worship (PDF) (MP3) |
March 18 | Numbers 25 | Seduced by the World (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 11 | Hebrews 8:10-12 | My Treasured People (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
March 4 | Numbers 24:10-25 | God's Fourth Message (PDF) (MP3) (PPTX) |
February 26 | Numbers 23:27 - 24:13 | God's Third Message (PDF) (MP3) |
February 19 | Numbers 23:13-26 | God's Second Message (PDF) (MP3) |
February 12 | Numbers 22:36 to 23:12 | God's First Message (PDF) (MP3) |
February 05 | Numbers 22:22-35 | Balaam and the Sovereign God (Pt 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 29 | Number 22:1-22 | Balaam and the Sovereign God (Pt 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 22 | Numbers 22:1-14 | Balaam and the Sovereign God (Pt 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 15 | Hebrews 8:10-12 | I Will Be Your GOD (PDF) (MP3) |
January 8 | Hebrews 2:1-4 | BEWARE of Drifting (PDF) (MP3) |
January 1 | Luke 10:38-42 | 2012 Are YOU Ready? (PDF) (MP3) |
2011 | | |
December 25 | Hebrews 2:1-13 | He Came as Captain (PDF) (MP3) |
December 18 | Hebrews 9:11-15 | He Came as Priest (PDF) (MP3) |
December 11 | Deuteronomy 18:18-25 | He Came As Prophet (PDF) (MP3) |
December 4 | Hebrews 2:14-18 | He Came As Savior (PDF) (MP3) |
November 27 | Luke 2:1-20 | He Came as LORD (PDF) (MP3) |
November 20 | Isaiah 42:1-7 | A Chosen Saviour (PDF) (MP3) |
November 13 | Numbers 21:10-35 | Battles (Like All Things) Belong to the LORD (PDF) (MP3) |
| | |
November 6 | Numbers 21:1-9 | God's Way of Salvation (PDF) (MP3) |
October 30 | Numbers 20:22-29 | We Have A High Priest (PDF) (MP3) |
October 23 | Numbers 20:14-21 | You Need Endurance (PDF) (MP3) |
October 16 | Numbers 20:1-13 | The Sin of Moses (PDF) (MP3) |
October 9 | Hebrews 8:10-12 | "I Will Write My Laws on Their Hearts" (PDF) (MP3) |
October 2 | Matthew 16:5-12 | The Red Heifer (PDF) (MP3) |
September 11 | Matthew 16:1-4 | Knowing the Signs of the Times (PDF) (MP3) |
September 4 | Numbers 15:8-32 | A God-Given Priesthood (Tithing) (PDF) (MP3) |
August 28 | Numbers 18:1-7 | A God-Given Priesthood (Part 2) (PDF) MP3) |
August 21 | Numbers 17:1-13 | A God-Given Priesthood (PDF) (MP3) |
August 14 | Numbers 16:36-50 | Beware of Pride (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
August 7 | Numbers 16:12-35 | Beware of Pride (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
July 31 | Numbers 16:1-11 | Beware of Pride (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
July 24 | Numbers 15:37-41 | REMEMBER! (PDF) (MP3) |
July 17 | Hebrews 4:11-16 | Stay the Course (PDF) (MP3) |
July 10 | 1 Corinthians 13 | LOVE: The More Excellent Way (PDF) (MP3) |
July 3 | Numbers 15:22-36 | Ignorance and Presumption (PDF) (MP3) |
June 26 | Numbers 15:1-21 | A Sweet Aroma unto the LORD (PDF) (MP3) |
June 19 | Numbers 13:39-45 | Dangers of Unbelief (Part 6) (PDF) (MP3) |
June 12 | Ephesians 5:22-33 | We Are the Body of Christ (PDF) (MP3) Preaching at HIBC |
June 5 | Numbers 14:26-38 | Dangers of Unbelief (Part 5) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 29 | Numbers 14:11-25 | Dangers of Unbelief (Part 4) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 22 | Numbers 14:1-10 | Dangers of Unbelief (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 15 | Numbers 13:26-33 | Dangers of Unbelief (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 8 | Numbers 13:1-25 | Dangers of Unbelief (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 1 | Numbers 12 | Remember MIRIAM (PDF) (MP3) |
April 24 | Philippians 3:1-14 | The Power of the Resurrection (PDF) (MP3) |
April 17 | Exodus 12:1-13 | Death or Passover (PDF) (MP3) |
April 10 | Numbers 10:16-35 | Stop Complaining (Part 3) (PDF) MP3) |
April 3 | Numbers 10:10-15 | Stop Complaining (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
March 20 | Numbers 11:1-9 | Stop Complaining (Pt 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
March 13 | Numbers 10:11-36 | Onward Christian Soldiers (PDF) (MP3) |
March 6 | Numbers 10:1-10 | A Certain Sound (PDF) (MP3) |
February 27 | Numbers 9:15-23 | Behind and Under the Cloud (PDF) (no audio) |
February 20 | Numbers 9:1-14 | The Passover (PDF) (MP3) |
February 13 | Numbers 8:5-26 | Consecrated Unto Christ (PDF) (MP3) |
February 6 | Numbers 8:1-4 | In the Light (PDF) (MP3) |
January 30 | Numbers 7:89 | Meeting with God (PDF) (MP3) |
January 23 | Numbers 7:10-88 | Give unto the LORD (PDF) (MP3) |
January 16 | Numbers 7:1-9 | Equipped for Service (PDF) (MP3) |
January 9 | Numbers 6:22-27 | God's Blessing (PDF) (MP3) |
January 2 | Hebrews 7:25 | He Intercedes for Us (PDF) (MP3) |
2010 | | |
December 26 | Leviticus 16 | He Came to Take Away Our Sins (PDF) (MP3) |
December 19 | John 1:1-3, 14 | He Tabernacled with Us (PDF with Hanout) (MP3) |
December 12 | Ephesians 1:1-14 Genesis 1:1 | The Most High God (PDF) (MP3) Handout: God's Eternal Plan and Me (PDF) |
December 5 | Revelation 19:16 Genesis 1:1 | The Most Important Verse of the Bible LORD God (PDF) (MP3) |
November 28 | Ephesians 1:11 Genesis 1:1 | The Most Important Verse of the Bible The Providence of God (PDF) (MP3) Handout (PDF) |
November 21 | Psalm 103:19 Genesis 1:1 | The Most Important Verse in the Bible Sovereign GOD (PDF) (MP3) |
November 14 | Daniel 4:34-35 Genesis 1:1 | The Most Important Verse in the Bible GOD Almighty (PDF) (MP3) |
November 7 | Isaiah 40:21-31 Genesis 1:1 | The Most Important Verse in the Bible God All-Wise (PDF) (MP3) |
October 31 | Isaiah 44:24-45:10 | The Most Important Verse in the Bible God Creator (PDF) (MP3) |
October 24 | Genesis 1:1 Isaiah 57:15 | The Most Important Verse of the Bible GOD Eternal (PDF) (MP3) |
October 17 | Gen. 1:1; Jer. 9:23-24 | The Most Important Verse in the Bible Introduction (PDF) (MP3) |
October 10 | Revelation 19:1-10 | Glorified! (PDF) (MP3) |
October 3 | Numbers 6:1-21 | A Nazarite for Life (PDF) (MP3) |
September 26 | Numbers 5:11-31 | Feast of Tabernacle and Holy Jealousy (PDF) (MP3) |
September 19 | Numbers 5:5-10 | Making It Right (PDF) (MP3) Christ In the Offerings (PDF) |
September 12 | Numbers 5:1-4 | Holiness in the Camp (PDF) (MP3) |
September 5 | 1 Peter 1:13-25 | Redeemed (PDF) (MP3) Lord's Supper Handout (PDF) |
August 29 | Numbers 4:1-16 | Right vs. Wrong (PDF) (MP3) |
August 22 | Numbers 3:1-20 | Priests of the Most High (PDF) (MP3) |
August 15 | Numbers 2 | He Is LORD (PDF) (MP3) Handout: Camp and March (PDF) |
August 8 | Numbers 1:1-4 | Ready for Battle (PDF) (MP3) |
August 1 | Numbers 1:1-4, 17-19 | Who Am I? (PDF) (MP3) |
July 25 | Numbers 1:1 | Wandering in the World (PDF) (MP3) |
July 18 | Exodus 12:12-20 | "This Is My Body" (PDF) (MP3) |
July 4 | John 21:15-26 | Feed My Sheep (PDF) (MP3) |
June 27 | John 21:1-14 | Going Fishing (PDF) (MP3) |
June 20 | John 20:29 | Blessed Are . . . (PDF) (MP3) |
May 23 | John 20:24-28 | A Lesson in Unbelief (PDF) (MP3) |
May 16 | John 20:22-23 | Spirit and Sin (PDF) (MP3) |
May 9 | John 20:22 | The Holy Spirit and You (PDF) (MP3) The Wind and the Spirit Handout (PDF) |
May 2 | John 20:17-22 | Peace Be with You (PDF) (MP3) |
April 25 | Exodus 11:1-7 | He Did Not Share This Cup (PDF) (MP3) |
April 18 | Isaiah 41:8-16 | A Precious Cornerstone (PDF) (MP3) Scarlet Worm Handout (PDF) |
April 11 | Isaiah 41:1-7 | Who? (PDF) (MP3) |
April 4 | John 20:1-18 | A Closer Look at Mary Magdalene (PDF) (MP3) |
March 28 | Isaiah 28:14-17 | A Precious Cornerstone (PDF) (MP3) |
February 14 | John 20:1 | He Is Risen (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
February 07 | John 19:38-42 | Dead and Buried (PDF) (MP3) |
January 31 | John 19:31-37 | A Hammer and A Spear (PDF) (MP3) |
January 24 | Luke 23:44-48 | He Gave Himself (PDF) (MP3) |
January 17 | Matthew 27:45-54 | At the Cross (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 10 | John 19:25-27 | At the Cross (PDF) (MP3) |
2009 | | |
December 20 | John 19:30 | "It Is Finished!" (PDF) (MP3) |
December 13 | John 19:23-37 | Who Is in Control? (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
December 6 | John 19:15-22 | Who Is In Control? (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
November 29 | John 19:1-16 | Who Is in Control? (PDF) (MP3) |
November 22 | John 18:38-40 | Barabbas! (PDF) (MP3) |
November 15 | John 18:28-38 | What Is Truth? (PDF) (MP3) |
November 8 | John 18:28-38 | The King on Trial (PDF) (MP3) |
November 1 | John 18:12-27 | The Fear of Man (PDF) (MP3) |
October 25 | John 18:12-27 | Unfair? (PDF) (MP3) Handout: The Trials of Jesus (PDF) |
October 18 | John 18:1-11 | Into "Battle" (PDF) |
October 11 | John 17:20-26 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 10) (PDF) |
October 4 | John 17:18-19 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 9) (PDF) |
September 27 | Lev 16:1-10; 23:26- 32; Heb 9:11-12 | A Priest and Two Goats (PDF) |
September 20 | John 17:17 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 8) (PDF) |
September 13 | John 17:14-17 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 7) (PDF) |
September 6 | John 17:13 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 6) (PDF) |
August 30 | John 17:11-12 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 5) (PDF) |
August 23 | John 17:6-10 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 4) (PDF) |
August 16 | John 17:3-5 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 3) (PDF) |
August 9 | John 17:3 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 2) (PDF) |
August 2 | John 17:1-2 | The Lord's Prayer (Part 1) (PDF) |
July 26 | John 16:31-33 | Trouble Trouble PEACE (PDF) (MP3) |
July 19 | John 16:25-32 | He Came, He Left, He Is Coming (PDF) (MP3) |
July 12 | John 16:16-24 | The Secret of REAL JOY (PDF) (MP3) |
June 28 | John 16:12-15 | The Spirit of Truth (PDF) (MP3) |
June 21 | John 15:26-16:11 | Another Comforter (PDF) (MP3) |
June 14 | John 15:17-25 | Beware of the World (PDF) (MP3) Love Test (PDF) |
June 7 | John 15:11-16 | To Be Called A Friend (PDF) (MP3) |
May 31 | John 15:7-10 | I AM the True Vine (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 24 | John 15:4-6 | I AM the True Vine (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
May 17 | John 15:1-3 | I AM the True Vine (PDF) (MP3) |
May 10 | John 14:27-31 | My Peace (PDF) (MP3) |
May 3 | John 14:21-24 | Hear and Obey (PDF) (MP3) |
April 26 | John 14:16-20, 25-26 | Another Comforter (PDF) (MP3) |
April 19 | John 14:7-15 | Works, Prayer, Obedience (PDF) (MP3) |
April 12 | Eph 1:15-2:7 | Are YOU Risen Indeed? (PDF) (MP3) |
April 5 | John 14:4-6 | The Way (PDF) (MP3) |
March 8 | John 14:3 | The Groom Is Coming (PDF) (MP3) |
March 1 | John 14:1-2 | My Father's House (PDF) (MP3) |
February 22 | John 14:1 | A Call to Be Strong (PDF) (MP3) |
February 15 | John 13:34-35 | Something Old; Something New (PDF) (MP3) |
February 08 | John 13:31-33 | NOW God Is Glorified (PDF) (MP3) |
February 01 | John 13:18-30 | Sin Against the Lord (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 25 | John 13:15-17 | He Washed Feet (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 18 | John 13:12-14 | He Washed Feet (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 11 | John 13:1-11 | He Washed Feet (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
January 4 | John 13:1 | He Loved His Own to the End (PDF) (MP3) |
2008 | | |
28 December | John 12:34-50 | Walk In His Light (PDF) (MP3) |
21 December | Philippians 2:3-11 | He Came to Earth (PDF) (MP3) |
14 December | John 10:20-30 | God Keeps Me (PDF) (MP3) |
7 December | 2 Corinthians 3:18 | God Is Making Me to Look Like Him (PDF) (MP3) |
30 November | 1 Peter 3:13-21 | GOD Bought Me (PDF) (MP3) |
23 November | John 4:10 | God Poured Out His Wrath on My Substitute (PDF) (MP3) |
16 November | Hebrews 7:22 | GOD Took My Place (PDF) (MP3) |
9 November | Hebrews 2:9-18 | The Almighty God Became Man for Me (PDF) (MP3) |
2 November | Isaiah 42:1-6 | God's Choice (PDF) (MP3) Telling the Story Crossword (PDF) |
26 October | John 12:31-34 | Who Is the Son of Man? (PDF) (MP3) |
19 October | John 12:24-30 | To Die Is to Live! (PDF) (MP3) Lord's Supper Handout (PDF) |
12 October | John 12:20-24 | We Want to See Jesus (PDF) (MP3) |
5 October | John 12:12-19 | Triumphal Entrance (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
28 September | John 12:9-12 | Triumphal Entrance (Part 1) (PDF) (MP3) |
21 September | John 12:1-9 | A Sweet Smelling Sacrifice (PDF) (MP3) |
14 September | John 11:45-57 | For Whom Did Christ Die? (PDF) (MP3) |
7 September | John 11:38-44 | I AM the Resurrection and Life (Part 6) (PDF) (MP3) |
31 August | John 11:17-38 | I AM the Resurrection and Life (Part 5) (PDF) (MP3) |
24 August | John 11:11-16 | I AM the Resurrection and Life (Part 4) (PDF) (MP3) |
17 August | John 11:7-10 | I AM the Resurrection and Life (Part 3) (PDF) (MP3) |
10 August | Matthew 26:36-46 | The Glorious Cup of Judgment (PDF) (MP3) Lord's Supper Handout (PDF) |
3 August | John 11:5-8 | I AM the Resurrection and Life (Part 2) (PDF) (MP3) |
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